Rescued by the Berserker: A shifter romance Page 7
I wouldn’t, Knut growled in my mind. I need at least a thousand years to enjoy your lovely flesh.
I scratched my nails down his back and felt his muscles ripple against me. He moved faster, thrusting into me. His heavy balls slapped my center with delicious force.
“This first time, I’ll be gentle.”
“This is gentle?” I gasped.
He turned his head and nipped my ear. “I have waited so long.”
“I know. Take your pleasure.” I slid my arm around his shoulders, hanging on as his hips pounded into me. My orgasm rose rapidly, blowing up like a gale that bows all but the largest oak before it. I howled my delight and shuddered as Knut’s cock pulsed once, twice, and released his seed deep inside me.
“Hazel,” he said my name over and over, kissing me until I laughed.
He rolled to his back, bringing me with him so I sprawled over the giant shelf of his muscled chest. His organ was still inside me. “How was your first time?”
“Good,” I told him shyly.
“Not too painful.”
“No.” The feeling of being torn had faded right away.
Knut pressed his face into the crook of my shoulder and neck. His large hand cradled my head; my fingers sifted through his hair.
“Why do you say I am brave?”
He made to move and I held him tighter, keeping us cheek to cheek so I did not have to meet his eyes. He rubbed my back, soothing.
“I have fought many battles, and seen courageous acts. There is none to match when you stood at my side to fight the Grey Men, even though you trembled in fear.”
“I didn’t fight at the abbey. I didn’t save Sari, or Fleur.”
His fingers found the nape of my neck, squeezing reassuringly. “You couldn’t save them, but you will save many others.”
I rose up then, gazing down at him.
“When we are back at the mountain,” his index finger traced my lips, “I will go to the Alphas and tell them of the Corpse King’s evil plan. The woman at the abbey will all be rescued, I swear it.”
I held my breath. It was too overwhelming to think of all my friends--Willow, Fern, Sage, Sorrel, Rosalind, Angelica--by my side again. Safe.
“Who knows? Some may be fit to be Berserker brides, like you.”
“What if they don’t want to be mated?”
“I’m sure their warriors will convince them.” He grinned. “I’m an old warrior, but I wooed you in a few days.”
His finger teased my lips. I turned my head and caught it between my teeth.
His chuckled rumbled through my body. “Such a fighter. Little rabbit.” He cupped my cheek and looked at me so long and with such love, tears filled my eyes.
“Hazel, I told you I wanted you from the first time I caught your scent. And again when I saw you. But when you stood against the Grey Men with me and did not flee, I knew I wanted you by my side forever.”
“You spanked me for that.”
“Yes,” he showed his fangs. “and will again, to drive such valor out of you. It will not do to have you fighting battles when you are carrying our sons.”
I pressed my lips together to keep from smiling at him. “How do you know they will be sons?”
He rolled us over, our bodies still joined, his burly arms and chest caging my body. My eyes widened as his cock turned to steel.
“Because,” he flexed his hips, and filled me further. “I will not stop claiming your body until we have many sons, and daughters too.”
Hazel moaned in my ear and I came awake with a start.
We lay on a bed of soft pine needles, my body curled around hers. The goddess only knew how often I had claimed her last night, but it had been enough to make us fall asleep on the ground.
Fog drifted over us. It should be dawn but the world was grey.
“It’s all wrong,” Hazel muttered and thrashed in the throes of a bad dream.
“Little one.” I shook her awake.
“Knut? Where are we?” She was cold, her face pale as last night’s moon.
“In the forest, where I made you fully mine.”
The wind whistled through the trees, but did not dispel the fog. The thick cloudy air advanced like an army of ghosts.
Hazel shivered and I tucked the pelt around her.
“Come. We need to get you close to the fire.” I drew her up, keeping her close as I pulled on my clothes. Her shift lay a few feet away and I kept hold of her as I went to fetch it.
“Is it morning?” she asked.
“Yes. But the fog has stolen it away.”
I turned to the direction I knew the hut lay in and faced a wall of fog, too thick to see through.
“Come,” I said, forcing confidence into my tone. “This way.”
But as we walked and walked, we reached nothing.
“Cold,” Hazel muttered. A few feet later, she sighed.
“Are you all right, little one?”
“My head hurts.”
“Your head and my cock. You wore me out,” I said when she gave me a look.
The humor lasted only a few more steps. Something moved in the fog and I growled, fear like acid in my gut. I was an idiot to not see this for an attack.
“Back to the river.” I pushed her along, ahead of another thick billow of fog. The air thinned somewhat when we reached the water.
“Knut, what is it?” Hazel’s teeth chattered. I swung her up in my arms and crossed the body of water. The fog was less here, but still rising.
“The Corpse King is coming after you. He is drawn to your heat, but I will protect you, above all.”
We walked through the forest, fear eating my heart. I did not have my axe, but what weapon would stand against the weather? Better we lay down and wait it out, although then the Grey Men would find us and all would be lost.
No way out. No hope.
Deep down, my beast was raging, howling with violence as if the enemy were here and on the attack.
“The fog affects the mind,” I said suddenly.
“Yes,” Hazel said, sounding very tired.
My skin prickled as the wind picked up, pushing the fog our way.
“We must run.” I pulled her along, only to race straight into another thick bank of fog.
Hazel stumbled and I lost hold of her.
“Knut,” she cried, suddenly sounding far away.
“Hazel,” I grabbed for her. My arms closed around her, but the storm swirled around us, a voice on the wind chanting with evil purpose. The Corpse King. No wonder my beast was fighting for control.
“Come face me like a man,” I shouted. The chant turned mocking.
I reached out via the pack bonds, trying to call for help. I was a fool to isolate myself from my Berserker brothers. My distrust of them put my woman at risk.
A gust of wind struck my body. Cowering before it, I covered Hazel as best I could, but when I rose the fog was a cage, four thick walls around us. With a little murmur, Hazel slipped out of my arms.
“No,” I reached for her, coming back with only armfuls of smoke. “Hazel!”
Hazel. I reached out via our minds and found her thoughts full of despair.
Dark. Dirty. Unworthy.
“Hazel,” I called, keeping my voice calm. “Where are you? Hear my voice and come to me.”
“I can't, Knut.” When she finally answered, her voice sounded small. “I am too weak. You should leave me.”
I pushed towards her voice and it was like wading through water.
“The Corpse King is using lies to make you despair.”
I am weak. I gave into lust. My desires are filthy, taint everything they touch.
I am in your mind, little one. You are not dirty or wrong.
Hazel fell silent under the screeching wind, the Corpse King laughing at me.
“I will not let you have her,” I bellowed. Claws sprouted from my hand
I waded forward and almost tripped over a small form. My woman, curled into a sad little ball.
“Little one,” I had her in my arms, chafing her cold skin. “Oh, Hazel, why are you so afraid?”
“You should leave me,” she choked on a sob. “Save yourself. They will not come after you, if they have me.”
“No, never.” I lifted her and strode until we reached a tree. I set her against the trunk, surrounded by the comforting scent of pine. “You are mine, and I will never let you go. I will not surrender to an army. They can no more take you from me than they can take my soul.”
“They want my soul,” she said in a terrified whisper. “They are coming for it.”
“They cannot have it.” Fisting my hand in her hair, I kissed her and she opened herself to me with a shuddering sigh, accepting the warmth that poured through her body from mine.
You are mine. Touch me, Hazel. Feel my need.
My tongue probed her as my cock strained against my breeches. Still claiming her mouth, I freed myself. One thrust and I was inside her blessed heat. Her muscles shuddered around me, pulling me in deeper, calling me home.
Feel this, little one. This is real.
“Knut,” she breathed against my mouth.
“That’s it. Say my name. Remember I am yours.” I pledge my life to you.
Her legs closed around my hips and I hitched her up, driving deeper. Her head flew back against the tree trunk, her perfect lips parted.
“I love you,” she mouthed and drove me to my knees.
Carefully, I laid her on her back, her hair spread over the ground.
Mark her, my beast commanded and I could resist no longer.
Sweeping her hair off her shoulder, I bent her head to the side. My fangs pierced her.
Power. Heat. Lightning whipped through our bodies. She came, convulsing around my cock. I plowed deep inside her, filling her with my seed and my thoughts—all the force of my love filling her mind, driving the Corpse King out.
“Knut,” she said, in between returning my frantic kisses. “What is happening? What did you do?”
I brought her hand to the marks on her shoulder. They were already healing.
“We are joined forever, little one.” You are in my mind, as I am in yours, and we will never be alone.
Around us, mist swirled.
She will never be yours, a dark voice whispered.
I raised my head as bleak despair poured into my mind.
Fur rippled down my arm. I cried out as my spine stretched and snapped, my body contorting with magic. Pulling away from Hazel, I stretched out my hand and watched it turn into a massive claw.
“No—” I staggered back. “Hazel…run.” I gasped as my bones broke and reknitted. The Change was upon me, and it hurt like never before.
“Knut! What is happening?”
“The beast,” I choked out. I had marked her too late.
The fog swirled around us, echoing with mocking laughter.
Your strength is useless, warrior. The Corpse King’s voice sliced through my control. How will you save her from me if you cannot even save her from yourself?
“Go,” the word turned into a howl as my jaw and throat reshaped itself. Hazel, you must leave before it’s too late.
“No, Knut, stay with me.” Hazel’s small hands gasped my body. Already my vision was turning red.
Forgive me. I have failed you. My skin became fur, and I jerked away from her.
“You cannot leave me,” she cried.
She was at my side, sobbing, pulling on my arm. I snarled, and she cringed back.
Do you see this? Do you see the monster I become? I will not let you shackle yourself to me.
“No.” Even with fear in her scent, she rose up and faced me. “You rescued me. We belong together. You set me free.”
I am a warrior only. Not fit to be a mate.
“Knut,” she reached for me again and I roared. When she cowered, I stretched myself over her. The beast scented a frail, trembling woman. It wanted to possess her.
Tears streaming down her cheeks, she tipped her head back and offered her throat. Take me then. I am yours.
Surrounded by the stinking mist, I nuzzled her and buried my face in her hair. She smelled of Hazel, of heat and love and strawberries.
Her voice touched my mind. It’s the Corpse King, trying to control you. Do not listen to him. Stay with me.
I whined. Her breath shuddered in her. She was afraid, but she remained still underneath my body. So small and innocent. Such a fragile pulse. So easy to destroy.
No. I reared back, baring my teeth at the unseen enemy. My claws tore into my own flesh. I would rip out my own heart before I hurt her.
“Stop!” Hazel reached for my bloody hands, and I pushed her away.
A sound in the fog—the cadence of marching feet. I whirled.
It’s too late for me, I told her. I will die so you might be free. With a final shout, I leapt to face her enemies.
Knut, I screamed, but he’d blocked my mind. I ached, sensing the emptiness where he’d once been. The connection had lasted only a few moments but I felt the loss of him like a severed limb.
I staggered to my feet, pressing forward in the thick mist. I had to find him.
In the distance, Knut bellowed.
A giant shape loomed out of the mist. A warrior with golden eyes. Then another, and another.
I stumbled backwards and hit a hard, armored body. The Berserkers were at my back and front, hemming me in.
“What’s this?” A large hand tugged my hair. I slapped at it, and burly arms grabbed me, held me fast.
“A woman.”
More hands on my legs. “She smells delicious.”
“She’s in heat.” The voice was thick with lust. “A spaewife.”
“Is she unclaimed?”
“No,” I kicked hard, and my foot struck the warrior holding my legs until he dropped me. “I am Knut’s. You cannot have me!”
“Knut?” The warrior at my back set me down, turned me to face him. He was a large and blunt-faced brute, but his hands were gentle. “I did not know Knut had a woman.”
“He does now. He is mine,” I snarled as savagely as a Berserker in the grip of madness.
The Berserker blinked in surprise. A few others chuckled.
“Wait, stop!” Another warrior called out. A redhead pushed through the circle of warriors. “You are Hazel? This is the girl Knut went to rescue,” he said when I nodded.
“Is this true, Leif?” Asked the brute holding me.
“It is true,” Leif jerked his head at me. “She is why he defied the Alpha’s commands.”
“Then she comes with us.” With a grunt, the warrior lifted me.
“Wait!” I fought, “Let me go!” Knut! I reached out and heard him roar in impotent rage. The warriors must have restrained him, to keep him from me, but when I reached by my mind, he was silent.
Panicked, I began to struggle harder.
“Put her down, Thorbjorn. She is Knut’s,” Leif said. “She smells of his seed.”
Thorbjorn grunted again, but set me on my feet.
Hands shaking, I pushed my hair back and showed the mark at the tender junction of my neck and shoulder. The magic had done its work; the mark was red and shiny but already healing. I hoped it would never fade.
“He marked you?” Leif and the others crowded around, but did not touch me.
“I am his mate. Where is he?”
“He’s in the hands of the warriors he tried to attack. He will answer to the Alphas for that, and his crimes.”
“What?” I breathed. I tried to push out of the circle of warriors, but they might as well have been made of stone.
“Enough, lass,” a stern-faced warrior blocked my path. “Let’s get out of this fog, and to the mountain.”
They formed a circle around me, four walls of weapons, shields and hard-muscled bodies. As we marched, I kept reaching
out with my mind, needing the touch of Knut’s thoughts on mine. But there was only silence.
The further we walked, the more my mind cleared. The fog slowly dissipated, but my head throbbed with the loss of the bond.
“Are you tired?” Leif asked me.
I shook my head. “How did you know my name?”
“Your story has been shared throughout the pack. Fleur returned to us, and told us how you fought to rescue her, and made your escape from the Corpse King’s cave.”
I nearly stumbled. “Fleur is here?”
“Yes. She is safe.” Leif’s hand hovered near me, ready to catch me if I fell, but he took care not to touch me.
“Will…will I be able to see her?”
“Her, and her mates. She thrives within their care.”
“What about Knut?”
“The Alphas will decide,” another warrior answered before Leif could. “He will go before the Alphas to answer for his sins.”
“Brokk,” Leif said in warning tone, and the other subsided, shaking his head.
“What sins?” I asked.
“The Alphas tried to reach out to Knut, but he shut them out and resisted their orders to return to the pack. It made him unstable, and allowed his beast to almost consume him.”
“He did not lose control. He didn’t hurt me, he held back.” I choked on my words. He’d said we were mated, was my love not enough to lift the curse? “I was safe with him. He protected me.”
“He dishonored himself, and the pack when he defected to claim you.”
“Please, I must see him. You must let him speak to me.” Knut, I searched for his mind. Do not shut me out. Let me know you’re all right.
“He is under guard until he sees the Alphas. They will decide his fate.”
“His fate?”
“If the Alphas find him guilty of losing control, he may be deemed too unstable to take a mate,” Leif said. “He may choose the ultimate punishment to salvage his honor.”
I gulped. “What punishment is that?”
Brokk’s voice was grim. “Death.”
The sun shone brighter as we neared the mountain, but my thoughts plunged back into despair. Even if the Alphas pardoned Knut, showing mercy because we’d been under the Corpse King’s attack, Knut would not return to my side if he believed he was unworthy to be my mate.