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Rescued by the Berserker: A shifter romance Page 8
Rescued by the Berserker: A shifter romance Read online
Page 8
Then what would become of me?
At the foot of the mountain, two women sat on stones, hands folded in their lap. They rose as we approached.
“Go to them.” Brokk rumbled. Leif nodded encouragingly.
Aware of my ragged dress and wild hair, I picked up my skirts and approached them. One dark-haired and one blonde. The closer I got, the more familiar they looked.
“Hazel?” the blonde called, and I halted. She and the second woman closed the distance.
“I am Sabine,” the blonde told me. “This is my sister Muriel.”
“Welcome,” Muriel said in a voice I recognized somehow. “We have been expecting you.”
“Do you know Fleur?” I blurted. “You look like her.”
“She is my twin,” Muriel smiled. “Sabine is our older sister.”
“Come,” Sabine said. “We heard all about your escape from the Corpse King and your journey with Knut. You must be ready for some refreshment.”
“The Alphas will want to question her,” Brokk said.
“Not until she has rested,” Sabine’s tone turned sharp. She took one of my arms, and Muriel took the other. Ignoring the rest of the warriors, the sisters led me away.
They brought me to a great lodge built into the side of the mountain. Two guards waited in front of the great doors.
“We need water and firewood,” Sabine told them with all the haughtiness of a queen. After a glance, the two warriors nodded and trotted away.
“There,” Sabine pushed the doors open. “Now we have some privacy.”
Inside, the lodge was beautifully furnished with carven chairs, a table full of bowls of food. There was a bed at the back, piled high with furs. Bundles of herbs hung from the rafters, filling the place with a lovely scent. A fire already burned in the hearth, a few cauldrons full of water warming beside it.
“Do you like your new home?” Muriel asked. Sabine went immediately to the fire and picked up one of the cauldrons, emptying it into a stone bath before adding a handful of herbs.
I nodded, speechless.
Sabine motioned for me to strip and get in the bath.
Muriel sat on a bench, picking up a gown and needle and thread. “Fleur told us your size. We will get you new gowns when it is safe again to go to market. Until then, I will alter a few of ours.”
“Come, Hazel,” Sabine beckoned. “The water will grow cold.”
I sat in the tub while the sisters bustled about, setting out food, sewing my new clothes, and helping me wash. They were gentle and kind, full of cheery banter and sisterly teasing. Just like my fellow orphans at the abbey.
But I could not relax.
“Where is Knut?” I asked when I was dry and dressed. “I wish to speak to him.”
“He arrived ahead of you, and went straight to speak to the Alphas,” Sabine sat behind me to comb out my wet hair.
“Is he in trouble.”
“That depends.” Muriel handed me a bowl of stew, but I was too nervous to eat.
“Hazel, did he hurt you in anyway?”
“No. Never. Not even when he turned into the beast. Please, you must tell the Alphas.” I turned and grasped Sabine’s hand.
Gently, she freed herself, and lifted my hair off my shoulder, studying my mark. I resisted the urge to cover it with my hand. It was evidence of an intimate act. I did not like it being on display.
“Fleur told us of her time at the abbey,” Sabine said finally. “Hazel, do you experience the mating heat?”
“I--,” my face flushed. “Yes.”
“We believe you are a spaewife. A special race of women who can mate with the Berserkers.”
“I know. Knut told me.”
“There are very few of us and we are all precious to the pack. That is why Alphas do not allow unstable wolves to mate.”
“PIease,” I rose, wringing my hands. “Knut isn’t unstable. He was fighting his rage. The fog—the Corpse King’s magic affected his mind.”
“The Alphas will be merciful,” Muriel soothed.
“It is your bond that might save him,” Sabine said. “Do you understand how the bonds work?”
I shook my head.
“I will explain, but you must eat.” Sabine waited until I had settled down at the table and forced down a few bites. “There are several different types of bond. Every member of the pack is linked. The alphas have a strong bond with every wolf. Then there are brother bonds that form between two or three wolves.”
“Brother bonds?” I asked.
“It usually happens when two wolves save each other’s lives. The brother bonds link two warriors closer than any other in the pack. It aids them in resisting the curse.”
“Does Knut have such a bond?”
“No. He is an exceptionally strong warrior. Almost a lone wolf. But the beast almost claimed him in the end,” Sabine mused.
Muriel cleared her throat. “The brother bond allows two men to share a mate.”
“Share?” My mouth fell open.
“Yes,” Muriel’s cheeks were bright pink. “I am mated to two wolves.”
“As am I,” Sabine said, amused. “Fleur’s mated to three.”
“Three?” I shook my head. One giant warrior claiming me was enough. I could not imagine two. Or three.
“There is one bond that is stronger than all the rest,” Sabine continued. “The mating bond.”
Muriel was nodding her head.
“There are signs of a Berserker’s true mate. A mating heat,” Sabine raised a finger to indicate each, “A mating bite, which heals quickly as the Berserker shares his magic. And a mating bond that links the mind.”
“We are able to hear our mate’s thoughts,” Muriel explained.
“Knut and I are linked.” I looked down. He was still blocking me.
“When did you first hear him in your mind?”
“From the first. I saw him in the woods, and he came to rescue me from the Grey Men. That was when I first heard him.”
Muriel and Sabine exchanged glances. “That is the earliest I’ve heard a mating bond form,” Sabine said. “Perhaps the magic around the Corpse King’s cave helped.”
“Or perhaps Hazel was ready.” Muriel touched my arm.
I set down my bowl and tucked my feet up on the bench, wrapping my arms around my legs. “I do not know what to think of all this.”
The sisters watched me chew my lip.
“What is it like with Knut?” Sabine asked.
I blushed.
“I think that’s all the answer we need,” Muriel murmured.
I had a horrible thought. “Knut told me I could lift the curse, but then his beast took over anyway. Perhaps I am not his true mate after all…”
“That is not how the mating works,” Sabine said with a sigh. “The beast still lives inside them. It still hungers for dominance, but your presence sates its great need. When the desires claim Knut, you will be able to satisfy him.”
“But…then what about my heat?”
“You will still go into heat. It is…uh…different.” Even Sabine blushed. “More intense. But pleasurable, when you have mates by your side.”
“Are there others at the abbey who go into heat?” Muriel asked.
“Yes. All of them,” I frowned. “Except the youngest. We all are cursed.”
“‘Tis not a curse, Hazel,” Sabine said gently. “‘Tis your power.”
“That is not what I was taught.”
“And now you are mated to a fine warrior. He will teach you anew.”
And gladly punish me until I learned. The thought made my cheeks heat, and heart race. I shook my head.
“I know I cannot go back to the abbey. I must face this new life. It is just so different, and strange.”
“It is,” Muriel said in her gentle voice. “Give it time. You will thrive here.”
“Spaewives were meant to mate with Berserkers,” Sabine added.
“I do not know if I will make a good mate.”
r /> Muriel looked away with a little smile.
“I’m sure Knut will teach you all you need to know,” Sabine said.
I bit my lip.
“What is wrong, Hazel?”
“He punished me.”
“Ah yes,” Sabine sighed. “There is that. The rules of the pack require it.”
“And also, it is their nature,” Muriel said. “Their dominance, our submission.”
“At the abbey, they taught me to obey. To be silent and pleasing, as a woman should.” My fingers worried my new gown. “How is it different being a Berserker bride?”
Sabine snorted. “We are not silent. It takes a strong woman to be a Berserker mate.”
“I am not very strong.”
“It takes great strength to give up your old life for someone, but that is what love is.”
I stared at Sabine. She was fierce and brilliant. Muriel was beautiful and strong. These women were powerful enough to each mate with not just one, but two brutal Berserkers.
“There is power in surrender,” Sabine said. With the set of her chin, I could not imagine her surrendering at all. Perhaps it took two men to challenge her. “All magic requires sacrifice. Our magic requires a sacrifice of the heart. The more we submit, the more powerful we become.”
“The power to heal and to create, not destroy,” Muriel said. “In this way, we balance the beast.”
“But both require strength,” Sabine rose and came to stand before me. “There is strength in leading, and strength in following.”
I blew out a breath. “Knut has been a long time alone.”
“You will teach him to soften, to love,” Muriel said. “In that area, you will lead.”
“The abbey taught you lies to force your obedience. We have come to you to give you the truth. If you stay with Knut, there will be times when you must bow to his will. But in the end, everything is done with your consent,” Sabine gave me a sharp look that penetrated to my soul. “Do you choose him, Hazel?”
I knew the answer right away. I would speak the truth, even if it frightened me. “I belong to him, as he belongs to me.”
Sabine sat back, gave Muriel a knowing nod. “We’ll tell the Alphas.”
The four warriors met me as I left the Alpha’s audience. Leif and Brokk, Rolf and Thorbjorn had always been ready to fight at my back, even before the witch cursed us.
“Thank you,” I said. They blinked at me in surprise, and I felt ashamed. Had it been so long since I expressed my gratitude, my need for the pack? “Without you, Hazel and I might still be lost.”
“You were close to being free of the fog,” Thorbjorn, the largest of them, came to throw his arm around me. We pounded each other’s backs, until the pack bonds between us hummed.
“I was a fool to stay away,” I said. My arrogance put my mate at risk.
“We’d have done the same, if we’d had a chance to catch a mate.” Leif cocked his head to the side. “Well? What did the Alphas say?”
“I must speak to Hazel.” I’d begged my leaders to punish me for dishonoring the pack. They’d refused, lauding me instead for rescuing and claiming a spaewife. Even my disobedience, they’d forgiven.
I could only hope Hazel would do the same.
“Your mate is waiting for you,” Rolf said. He crossed his arms, leaning against a boulder. Slight and slender, he was smaller than most Berserkers and the best tracker. “She is in the lodge we built for you two, while we were waiting for the Alpha’s orders.”
“What orders?” I asked.
“Did you not hear?” Thorbjorn clapped a hand on my shoulder. “We go to rescue the rest of the women at the abbey. They are all spaewives. The Corpse King collected them there, for his evil purpose.”
Leif rubbed his hands together. “Some of them will become our brides.”
“You will be excused from the fight, of course,” Brokk assured me. “You will be too busy with your mate.”
I frowned.
“What’s wrong, Knut?” Thorbjorn said. He and Rolf had been studying me and exchanged knowing glances.
“If Hazel was my mate, I would not hesitate to go to her,” Leif added and grunted when Brokk elbowed him.
“I lost control.” Shame made my voice and chest tight. “She trusted me, and I betrayed her. She lived her life in slavery, at the abbey. I will not force her to stay with me.”
“She asked to see you,” Leif said.
“Then I will go to her and set her free.”
“You are her mate,” Brokk crossed his arms over his chest. “You are already bound together.”
“I will not risk hurting her again.”
“You will not hurt her,” Rolf scoffed.
“At least, you won’t hurt her in a way she doesn’t like. That’s what sets these spaewives apart.” Leif tossed his dagger up, letting it tumble hilt over blade before catching it and waving it to make his point. “They like some pain.”
“They give the beast what it craves,” Thorbjorn rumbled. “Surrender.”
“She doesn’t like it.” I grunted.
“She likes you,” Leif pointed out.
“She is brave enough to stand up to you?” Brokk asked.
“Aye.” I couldn’t stop the corner of my mouth tipping up. “She is a little warrior.”
“Good,” Rolf left the boulder to grip my arm. “She is strong. She can stand up to you and anything the beast gives her.”
“She does not want to surrender,” I told her. “She fights it.”
“So fight back,” Leif winked. “And win.”
The sisters left me in the lodge. “We will take the guards with us, but do not stray far,” they cautioned. “We will send Knut to you.”
I wanted to call them back and tell them I had no wish to see him if he did not want me, but I could not.
Though there was a bed piled high with soft pelts, I paced the floor, unable to sleep.
Finally I pushed open the great lodge door and explored my surroundings. The forest had been cut away to make room for the lodge and a clearing around it. A cluster of wildflowers grew near a stump. The giant Berserkers must have carefully cut the tree down, taking care not to crush the delicate blooms. I stooped to pick one and a shadow fell over me.
“Knut!” I sprang up, ready to bounce into his arms, when I saw his solemn face.
“Hazel,” He passed a hand over my head, but didn’t quite touch me. “You are looking well.”
“As are you,” I said. Where was the confident warrior, ready to scoop me up and carry me into the lodge?
Knut was studying the structure, so I nodded to it.
“This is the lodge where I am to live. I cannot go back to the abbey.”
“No, you cannot.”
I twisted my hands in my skirts. “This new life frightens me, but I must accept it.”
“You are always the most courageous when you are afraid.”
“Knut,” I leaned towards him, and he stepped back.
“Hazel, I must apologize.”
“For what?”
“For losing control. The Alphas were merciful, otherwise I would not even be able to see you again.”
I sucked in a breath.
“I should let you go, Hazel. You deserve a better man. I am a warrior. It is too much to hope that I will be able to soften and love you.”
I clenched my hands at my sides to keep from grasping at him. “You told me you would not ever let me go. You said it would be your death.”
“I would sacrifice my life for you,” he said sadly.
“You cannot go.”
“No. We are bonded. I hear you in my mind. A bond is for life, is it not?” I had to rely on what Sabine and Muriel told me.
“Yes, it is.”
“So you will doom me to die as well.” I put my hands on my hips, but he shook his head and turned away. “Surely there is a way for us to be together. Knut…I need you.” R
unning to him, I caught his hand. “In a few nights there is a full moon. My fevers will be strong until then. Perhaps you could help me with them.” When you tied me up, I felt free.
He blinked and I knew he’d heard my heartfelt thought.
“You could stay until I am out of heat.”
“Only until then?” A smile flickered over his face and I knew I’d won.
“Well, after that,” I thought furiously, “I need your help here. To grow a garden.”
“A garden?” He cupped my cheek. “Hazel, I am an old warrior. I do not know how to handle lovely fragile things.”
“I will teach you.” I leaned into his palm. “We can tend it together. And you can teach me to fight.”
“You already know how to fight.”
“Only because I know you are there to protect me.” I raised my chin. “I want you and no other. I wasn’t sure, at first, but now I will fight to keep you.”
“You will?”
I grasped his jerkin and stepped up to him, standing on his boots. I still only came up to mid-chest.
“You will not leave me, Knut. I will do all within my power to make you forgive yourself, and stay.”
“You challenge me?”
I tipped up my chin. “Yes.”
With a laugh that gusted my hair, he lifted me. “And so the rabbit conquers the wolf.”
“I am not a rabbit.”
“No, you are not.”
With a smile, I knotted my arms around his neck, hitched a leg around his hips and rubbed my sex against him.
His gaze was bright and hot on my face. “Keep that up and I'll have you on your knees serving my cock . I'll spread my seed over your face and touch you until you're hot and ready and leave you like that. See if I won't.”
“Mmm,” I said, and dropped down again, turning away. “Perhaps I will go into the lodge and take my own pleasure.”
I’d gotten only a few steps away before his arms wrapped around me from behind, tugging me back.
“Not so fast. This is mine.” His hand covered my mound. “I will tend it day and night and our union will be fruitful.”
“Come then, my mate,” I purred. “My garden needs plowing.”
In an instant, I was up in his arms and Knut was striding to the lodge. I reached out and opened the door for us. He did not stop until he’d laid me on the bed.